You might have read my post about the issue I had with my Gravely Pro-Turn Z 52″ Mower. In the end they offered to send me a hat as compensation for the matter. I asked for a small bottle of touch-up-paint and to my surprise they sent the paint but not the hat.
Well to be honest I wasn’t entirely happy with my experience so I left an honest review of the machine as well as my experience on their site. Here’s an image of the review:

Here’s an image of their email thanking me for submitting a review:

As of the writing of this post my review was removed from their site. I am not sure how long the review was actually live but it no longer exists:

So to summarize:
- Gravely produced a machine with a manufacturing defect.
- Gravely did not fix the machine or provide a machine without said defect.
- Gravely offered me a hat as compensation which they did not send.
- Gravely removed my honest review of the machine and my experience from their site.
I will never buy another Gravely, or Ariens – the parent company of Gravely, machine and I will tell everyone that is willing to listen moving forward about my experience. They should address issues and not hide them.
I do understand Gravely may not have liked my review, but it was an honest review. They certainly could have taken the review as an opportunity to go above and beyond but they didn’t. They didn’t reach out to me, they didn’t ask any questions, they didn’t try to solve the issue or make it right.
Despicable behavior that the people at Gravely and Ariens should be ashamed of.
Update 06/03/2022
Gravely claims that the review was removed by mistake. At this point, honestly, I don’t believe them – but at least the review is back live on their site.
We’ve made some changes to our website recently and it appears your review was removed by mistake! We certainly would not want to delete reviews on purpose. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we have responded to your review:
Gravely via Facebook Messenger
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