Extreme Disappointment with AT&T Customer Service (lack there of).
Update 2: I called the next day and escalated myself to another supervisor. This supervisor looked at the history of the call from the night before and said that he would verify that Amazon.com did indeed have this offer going and if they did he would apply the credits. He made it clear to me that he was doing this not only due to how long I’ve been with AT&T but also due to the fact that if I’m willing to write an email, a blog post, and call more than once – that I was eventually get what I wanted. The supervisor also acknowledged that AT&T doesn’t make money off of the handsets themselves (they pay $699 each for the Torch) but that they instead make money off of the contract for service. It simply didn’t make sense to him for him to block my request when ultimately I was considering switching to another provider over the incident. AT&T stood to lose much more of my money by not giving me the credit than by doing so.
If you try to get such a credit applied to your account I do wish you luck as even this email to the executives got responded to with essentially “We won’t price match, sorry.” Good luck!
This post will consist entirely of a letter sent to AT&T concerning my recent experiences with their customer service department. I give anybody and everybody full rights to reproduce this email in it’s entirety in any way, shape, or form.
To: AT&T Executives
Subject: Extreme Disappointment with AT&T Customer Service (lack there of). Continue reading
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